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“The true purpose of education is to make minds, not careers”

We strive towards self-awareness, curiosity, innovation, perseverance, passion, adaption and courageous learning (SCIPPAC) , the same values we aspire our students to achieve.

Dynasty believes that the purpose of education is the actualisation of human potential, the development of a sense of dignity and self worth and the strengthening of respect for human rights, fundamental freedom and human diversity.

  • It is our mission to ensure that in a safe, tranquil, stimulating and intellectually challenging environment, all students shall have ample opportunity to imbibe universal values
  • Identify and fulfil academic, cultural, sporting and social potential through multiple paths to learning
  • Acquire habits of curiosity, reflection, mental flexibility, independence and self-discipline
  • Attain skills and attitudes for life in a rapidly changing world
  • Develop a respect and concern towards the environment
  • Maintain openness and respect in the face of racial, cultural, religious and linguistic diversity.


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Health Check Health Check Health Check

The combination of adequate facilities, correct behavioral practices and education is meant to have a positive impact on the health and hygiene conditions of the community as a whole, both now and in the future.

Proper sanitation and hygiene is of utmost importance at Dynasty Orchid. We believe that children have a right to basic facilities such as school toilets, safe drinking water, clean surroundings and information on hygiene. If these conditions are created, children come to school, enjoy learning, learn better and take back to their families’ concepts and practices on sanitation and hygiene.

Our Trained Teachers

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"a Teacher Takes A Hand, Opens A Mind & Touches A Heart"

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Our teachers are carefully selected and bring forth a combination of requisite skills and attitude to work with children in the early years.The teachers undergo continoues profeesional development by experts to understand their ownselves;to work in collaboration;to keep abreast with cutting edge research and innovation to ensure excellence in education and care of early learners.Our Teachers are a team of classroom instcutions leaders,craetive and performing art specialist,special eduactors,counsellors,care providers and nurses.

Teacher Traning
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