On 1st September, 2019 #BharatKoJano a Competition was held at DIS. Mr. Devender Chaudhary (Deputy Mayor) was Chief Guest & Dr. R.S. Verma (Director Medicheck) was Guest of Honour for the day . The programme was ably conducted under the guidance of Mr. Nitin Verma the Principal (DIS), Shri Sitaram Mittal (Branch Head) ,Shri Lalit Aggarwal ( Past Branch head) of Bharat Vikas Parishad.
Numerous reputed schools fought it out in 12 rounds at the District level. #Congratulations! In the #Seniorlevel students of DIS stood #FIRST comprising of Yogesh Madaan & Vinay Jain of class 10th. In #Juniorlevel DIS students bagged the #2nd prize comprising of Arjav Shukla and Anubhav das of the class 8th . Both teams made the school proud by reaching the state level. This was possible due to the proactive outlook of the management who believes in developing all round abilities of the students.