Accreditation and Certification Services at Dynasty International School

Dynasty International School

Founder's Welcome


Intelligence plus character-that is the goal of true education. ― Martin Luther King Jr.Dear Parents & Students, We are proud to announce the onset of the Dynasty stands as a mark for the finest schools in the country as it propagates an environment conducive to learning.John Dewey correctly said that Education is not preparation for life; Education is life itself.Education is not just text book learning that ends in school but it is a life long journey that starts in one’s formative years. Education is the sculpting of the individual. It is the means for the individual to find his purpose in life and to fulfill this purpose with the greatest passion, thereby contributing to the nation. The quality of education we provide today is the determining factor behind the course our society will take in future.At Dynasty, we are committed to facilitate a conducive learning environment of the highest possible standards, so that we can develop the finest individuals, capable of value adding in the society. We value the uniqueness of each child as both a gift and an opportunity. We take pride in the faculty and the methodologies implemented at this fine institution that does more than just imparting knowledge. Building character and empowering each student to be an enthusiastic lifelong learner is the aim of our institution. For a child to blossom to his maximum potential, an understanding family combined with stimulating learning opportunities at school is required. I look forward to your support to make our dream become a reality.DYNASTY INTERNATIONAL is equipped with world class infrastructure based on new concepts and designs that facilitates learning through a more innovative pedagogy. Also, comfortable resources raise productivity levels which are in our best interest. We have state of the art- labs, music, art, dance rooms with a multi-purpose hall that will include an auditorium along with new sports facilities. Though, it is very vital to understand that for a school to be successful- infrastructure is just one piece of the puzzle, but the soul of the school

Bimla Verma

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