Precautions to be taken during Offline Classes
The coronavirus pandemic forced education institutions across the entire planet to close. Thousands and thousands of schools, technical institutions, and universities saw their classrooms empty from one day to the next.
In such a scenario before school doors reopen best schools are working in multiple approaches to adopt preventive measures for safety and well-being of all in general.
As an advocate of the thought that’ Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to be over, it’s about learning how to dance in rain’ let all the concerned best school authorities tie their seat belts and be ready to take the challenge.
Some of the precautions taken by best schools in Faridabad include Preclass screening, smaller class sizes, strict adherence to social distancing norms, rescheduling pickup and drop of children, regular disinfection, installment of alcohol based hand sanitizer in premises and overall counseling of parents and students regarding boosting immunity and physical health.
Teachers responsibility increased in terms of imparting knowledge related to curriculum as well as corona. The teachers may lead by example.
The best schools in Faridabad are working in context of blended learning as online can be value addition but normal schooling is required for physical and socio development of the child and hence is adopting required measures of Preparation, Precautions and Prevention.
As school reopen, it’s important that precautions are taken both inside and outside the classroom to prevent the spread of COVID-19 .
This article aims to support teachers with information and tips on:-
- Physical distancing at school
- Practicing health and hand hygiene
- Cleaning and disinfecting tips for the classroom
- Actions to take if a student appears sick
A key lesson learned during the pandemic is the important role teachers play in ensuring that learning continues. As schools reopen, a lot will depend on teachers to ensure that children will be able to continue their education in a safe and healthy environment: and make up for knowledge and skills that may have been lost.
As a teacher, knowing the facts will not only protect yourself but also your students. Be aware of fake information and dangerous myths about COVID-19 circulating that are feeding fear and stigma.
Some of your students might be returning to school from households where they heard false information about COVID-19. You will need to educate them on the facts.
Understanding COVID-19, how it spreads and how we can protect ourselves and others is an important first step in establishing classroom procedures and protocols. Students need to understand what it is in order for them to follow the rules. Listen to their concerns and ideas and answer their questions in an age- appropriate manner.