Date: 1st April 2019
It was the day of commencement of the New Session at Dynasty International School and to add up to the cheerfulness & delight of being promoted to the next grades, what could have been better than organising a “MAGIC SHOW“ for our kids!!
The fantastic magic show was held in the School Auditorium for the students of Classes IIIrd to Vth on 5th April 2019. The Magician attired in his amazing costume performed many tricks and illusions that made the children and teachers watch him in rapt attention and excitement. He took out his magic wand and within seconds, he succeeded in producing pigeons. Next, he called few students on the stage and thrilled their hearts with the same act. All of them could not stop applauding as he unfolded his magic tricks. The show was a great success and the children enjoyed it very much.