All Work & No Play Makes Jack A Dull Boy


What good is education that teaches not the values of love, care, compassion and to substantiate all that, benevolence? Benevolence, philanthropy, kindness: these are indeed the qualities that make a true man of a gentleman and a worthy woman of a worldly lady. It is of utmost importance to teach our children the need to always be generous enough to give back , wilfully, as a gesture of thankfulness for their good fortune, a small portion of whatever they might have, to the humanity at large, mostly to some really needy and unfortunate members of the society. In the wake to train our students in Community Service and care for the society, routine camps where the students themselves give away items of food, clothing and medicinal supplies to the poor, are held at times here at DIS, encouraging the whole school, students and the staff members alike to partake with joy and relizefor themselves, how it, indeed feels to disburse delight and bring a smile upon a face repeatedly taunted by the pangs of utter misery.

Man as we are told is social being. We cannot survive on our own, no matter how fortunate we believe ourselves to be. We need the people around us, the society around us in order to exist, nurture and grow into distinct individuals. Therefore, it should be our lookout that the society we live in is as healthy as we imagine or want it to be. The children who come to DIS get to learn that from a very young age. They are made aware of “the joy of giving” as an essential part of their education so that later on when they are at the helm of their own social circles they will not only be recognised as meticulous professionals but also as one genuinely good hearted human beings.

Trips & Excursion

“I cannot even imagine where I would be today were it not for that handful of friends who have given me a heart full of joy. – Let’s face it, friends make life a lot more fun. Keeping in mind these feelings of our children Dynasty Organised number of Trips & Excursions. In today’s time , fun & academics run together.

Gone are the days when school was a synonym of only class noose reaching & hard work. Now students want studies to go hand in hand with Excursion & trips.

Excursions & Trips are also organised keeping in view the need develop comradeship feelings of brother-hood amongst the children . It inculcates in them the need to understand each other, build n teamwork and enhances their friendship.

So, each year innumerable Trips & Excursions are organised to help student to get some enthusiasm in otherwise mundane routine. Our children have been to places like Aero Planet, Adventure Island, World of Wonder, Traffic park etc. An educational trip to Parliament House was organised where the children viewed the working session of the Parliament & enriching their knowledge by being present during the session.


Building Character qualities like honesty, compassion and determination are a growing component of scholastic programs as well as co-curricular programmes for children. Character education is one of the various aspects of growing up children that needs special care and attention in our fast paced, modern day society in which moral Values are fast disappearing amongst individuals. Classrooms in the school have lists of character traits that we want our students to learn and practice. The best way for children to learn these kinds of traits is through projects and activities that give them opportunities to demonstrate and practice them.

Shaping their character and giving them all possible opportunities to mould their character is an integral part of schooling. We produce the leaders of tomorrow and we endeavor to make each student a good citizen.

Value & Culture

Moral values are the standards of good and evil, which govern an individual’s behavior and choices. Our feelings a cell o our bodies. So we elucidate our students by ensuring that their cund thoughts positively or negatively affect every cell of our bodies. So we elucidate our students by ensuring that their culture is represented in the classroom through suitable behavior stemming out of values gained over a period of time. It is also a key to the fact that these students know that their teachers care about them and have the highest regard for their learning. In this dynamic age of globalization our children are constantly getting exposed to a large variety of cultures and societies. The world has shrunk to a global village. It is important for us to teach our children to appreciate other cultures and learn to work in multi cultural environment with its own set of challenges.


Commitment to the welfare of our children, their proper growth and development is what we strive for in our daily endeavors both inside and outside the school campus. Pastoral care is an integral component of our school. A good pastoral system is foundation of a holy and a happy child. Education becomes meaningful in school when the child is happy and has a sense of well being. This will instill in him the confidence that he requires to achieve and move forward.

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