23 November, 2019 on this day Dynasty International School organised the annual class assembly of Class VIII in the School Auditorium. The theme of the assembly was “Mobile – A curse or a boon”. Parents were invited to grace the occasion with their benign presence. The programme commenced with lamp lighting by our Respected Chief Guest, Dr. R.S. Verma. Our honourable Principal Sir shared his golden views on the effective use of technology. The ball set in motion with the mesmerizing tunes played by the school orchestra, which enthralled the audience. This was followed by a welcome song sung by the chorolists of Dynasty. Then audience was enchanted to tap their feels as students performed folk dances like Lavni and Garba. The synchronization was so enticing that it captivated the minds of the spectators and compelled them to applaud. Besides entertainment, beautiful message regarding the use of technology was conveyed through mind boggling speeches and poems artistically performed by the students. Furthermore, a mime on the harmful effect of mobile use was rhetorically performed. The curtain was brought down by a valedictory speech and national anthem.